Showing 326 - 350 of 440 Results
The Rape of the Smock. an Heroi-Comical Poem. in Two Books. by Mr. Jacob. the Second Edition by Jacob, Giles, Giles Jacob ISBN: 9781379688365 List Price: $19.95
Essays Relating to the Conduct of Life; On Various Subjects. ... to Which Are Added, Essays ... by Jacob, Giles, Giles Jacob ISBN: 9781379726470 List Price: $24.95
Essays, Relating to the Conduct of Life: Upon the Following Subjects. Viz. on Self Governmen... by Jacob, Giles, Giles Jacob ISBN: 9781379754251 List Price: $22.95
The Law Military; Or a Methodical Collection of All the Laws and Statutes Relating to the Ar... by Jacob, Giles, Giles Jacob ISBN: 9781379822080 List Price: $23.95
Memoirs of the Life of the Right Honourable Joseph Addison, Esq; Late, One of His Majesty's ... by Jacob, Giles, Giles Jacob ISBN: 9781379847250 List Price: $21.95
The Rape of the Smock. an Heroi-Comic Poem. in Two Canto's by Jacob, Giles, Giles Jacob ISBN: 9781385117286 List Price: $19.95
The New Compleat Conveyancer: Or, Attorney's Director. Containing the Best Precedents of Ass... by Jacob, Giles, Giles Jacob ISBN: 9781385226193 List Price: $30.95
Every Man His Own Lawyer: Or, a Summary of the Laws of England in a New and Instructive Meth... by Jacob, Giles, Giles Jacob ISBN: 9781385221389 List Price: $29.95
A Law Grammar; Or Rudiments of the Law: Compiled from the Grounds, Principles, ... of Our La... by Jacob, Giles, Giles Jacob ISBN: 9781385221969 List Price: $23.95
A Law Grammar: Or, Rudiments of the Law. Compiled from the Grounds, Principles, ... of Our L... by Jacob, Giles, Giles Jacob ISBN: 9781385222058 List Price: $22.95
The Modern Justice: Containing the Business of a Justice of Peace, in All Its Parts. ... by ... by Jacob, Giles, Giles Jacob ISBN: 9781385222072 List Price: $29.95
Every Man His Own Lawyer: Or, a Summary of the Laws of England in a New and Instructive Meth... by Jacob, Giles, Giles Jacob ISBN: 9781385221884 List Price: $29.95
Every Man His Own Lawyer: Or, a Summary of the Laws of England in a New and Instructive Meth... by Jacob, Giles, Giles Jacob ISBN: 9781385221891 List Price: $29.95
Every Man His Own Lawyer: Or, a Summary of the Laws of England, in a New and Instructive Met... by Jacob, Giles, Giles Jacob ISBN: 9781385221921 List Price: $29.95
Every Man His Own Lawyer: Or, a Summary of the Laws of England in a New and Instructive Meth... by Jacob, Giles, Giles Jacob ISBN: 9781385221938 List Price: $30.95
A New Law-Dictionary: Containing, the Interpretation and Definition of Words ... by Giles Ja... by Jacob, Giles, Giles Jacob ISBN: 9781385289662 List Price: $33.95
The Compleat Attorney's Practice in English, in the Courts of King's Bench and Common-Pleas ... by Jacob, Giles, Giles Jacob ISBN: 9781385305201 List Price: $29.95
A Miscellany of Poems. Written by Mr. G. Jacob by Jacob, Giles, Giles Jacob ISBN: 9781385319277 List Price: $21.95
The Accomplish'd Conveyancer. Containing Great Variety of Precedents of Special Grants, Assi... by Jacob, Giles, Giles Jacob ISBN: 9781385247679 List Price: $31.95
The Accoplish'd Conveyancer. Containing Precedents of All Sorts of Large and Special Conveya... by Jacob, Giles, Giles Jacob ISBN: 9781385247686 List Price: $31.95
A Treatise of Laws: Or, a General Introduction to the Common, Civil, and Canon Law. in Three... by Jacob, Giles, Giles Jacob ISBN: 9781385247709 List Price: $30.95
Every Man His Own Lawyer: Or, a Summary of the Laws of England in a New and Instructive Meth... by Jacob, Giles, Giles Jacob ISBN: 9781385248393 List Price: $29.95
The Students Companion: Or, Reason of the Law. Containing Readings on the Common and Statute... by Jacob, Giles, Giles Jacob ISBN: 9781385248027 List Price: $26.95
Liberty and Property: Or, a New Year's Gift for Mr. Pope. Being a Concise Treatise of All th... by Jacob, Giles, Giles Jacob ISBN: 9781385257937 List Price: $22.95
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